XML integration

To get access to XML files you have to put yours Service login and password. We are using basic access authentication.

Access paths below:

- extended version of XML: https://b2b.akyga.com/xml-generator/?type=complex
- simple version of XML: https://b2b.akyga.com/xml-generator/?type=simple&is_special_price=1
- product categories for extended version: https://b2b.akyga.com/xml-generator/?type=categories
- stock: https://b2b.akyga.com/xml-generator/?type=csv


Category.xml - this is a category map for the complex.xml file.  aThis is the same arrangement as the products are assigned on the Akyga.com page. This can help map individual categories to client system. Note: the product can be found in more than 1 category!

Simple.xml - it is a very simplified, and a light form of the integration file. It does not contain product descriptions and attributes - there are only short description in Polish. But this file is recommended for price and quantity synchronization, due to their dynamic change. This file is generated much faster. The tags are identical but there are fewer of them than the complex file.

Complex.xml  - This is the main integration file. It contains all the data about the product we provide. It is possible, for example, to map all the characteristics of products with filters used on the online store in several available languages. It contains all languages in which we have translations in the current version. There are good quality photos and other documentations.

CSV.xml - In this file, only the stock and manufacturer code are transferred.

The unique key for products is <sku>. This is our internal code. Please do not put this code as a value visible to customers.
The right product code for presentation to customers is <manufacturerCode>. This is also unique value.

<price> - This is the net price offered by Akyga
<priceGross> -
This is the price including the VAT tax (relevant only for Polish customers)

<priceRetail> - suggested retail net price in PLN

<priceRetailEuro> - suggested retail net price in EUR

<qty> - availlable quantity

<delivery> - availlable quantity in nearest delivery

<deliveryDate> - date of the nearest delivery.


If price is 0.00 - means no value.